Sunday, November 4, 2007


Hooray for Sundays! Hooray for color! Hooray for naked people with squids on their head!

Possible Site Change

I've set up a new website ( with Smack Jeeves to test it out, and I'm considering switching over. I really like the design and ease of use of Blogger, but with my archive growing, Smack Jeeves looks easier to navigate, and is set up specifically for web comics. Check it out and tell me what you think.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Angel of Disappointment

I'm thinking of switching over from Blogger to Smack Jeeves (a webcomics host), but I need to do some more research before I decide. If I do end up switching I'll let you know and I'll post a link to the new site.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Comedy Classics Presents: A Clown With A Banana

The plot in today's comic is gripping, isn't it! This is what happens when I get writer's block.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


This is the first non Egg Boy comic, but don't get too upset, I'll probably do more in a little while. This strip was inspired when my friend suggested that I post a link to my site on the Ultimate Guitar forum. He said they'd love it. Nope. Thirteen people visited the site, and somehow I got around twenty replies from various people, saying how much they hate my comic. I'd never realized how many people think Egg Boy is such a "f****** stupid name." (rocker215 is a fictional character and any resemblance to any real complaining forum browsers is coincidence)